Meet the Team

Get to know all of the incredible sloths who work with us at The Occasional Sloth. Despite their relatively slow speed, their talent and dedication is unmatched!

Sandra Sloth

Introducing Sandra Sloth, one of the finest technical minds of her generation and species. She is responsible for the putting the drawings onto the t-shirts. Not an easy job, but Sandra has an immense talent. She has names for all of the printers she works with and loves getting to see the finished product.

Sandra likes playing online chess and cooking all kinds of food. Her favourite meal is Mushroom Stroganoff, which she makes and brings to all of the staff parties. It is always a big hit.

Sandra recently joined us from another Sloth-based t-shirt company and we’re so delighted to have her with us. No matter how your day is going, a smile from Sandra will always put you in a good mood. Keep up the good work Sandra!

Victor Sloth

Victor Sloth works in Sloth Resources at The Occasional Sloth. In addition to his SR work, Victor runs a guided meditation session on Monday afternoons for any staff who might be in need a bit of centring after a busy weekend.

The only problem is that many of our sloth team fall asleep during the meditation and can be quite difficult to rouse once it's over. We often just let them sleep on. They are sloths after all!

Steven Sloth

Steven is one of the co-founders and is one of our finest artists. Steven likes his job but says that sometimes there is too much to do. He is responsible for drawing the new t-shirt drawing 'An Autumnal Walk'.

Steven does enjoy going for walks in the autumn, but he prefers just staying at home and reading and drawing. And he also loves tea! He is very excited to hear what people think of his latest drawing, and hopes that people like it.

Gordon Sloth

Gordon has been with us since the beginning. You might even say he IS The Occasional Sloth. He is one of the leads of the creative team that decides what images should go on the t-shirts. Autumnal Walk is actually based on Gordon going on an autumnal walk. He remembers the walk fondly and wanted to immortalise it in a t-shirt.

Gordon gave the orange hoodie to a charity shop some years ago, so there is probably someone else going for Autumnal walks in it now!

Gordon is one of the elder statesmen in The Occasional Sloth, but still enjoys going on the work nights out and finding out about all the latest things by speaking to the young sloths.

If he's not in his office, you'll often find him in the soundbooth with Frederick recording one of his radio plays. If any radio producers are interested in a series of radio plays about a mild-mannered vigilante sloth, we have a back catalogue ready to go. They are really really good!

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